Your Micro-Controller Just Got Better with the Power-Packed Arduino 
Are you recently looking for a micro-controller to kick start your electronic project? Disappointed with the old ones available? Then the all-new Arduino might excite you. Technically, it is a programmable logic controller with a software-and-hardware configuration used for creating electronic projects. It has a specially built circuit board that is used to programme with Atmel micro-controllers. As it is intended for hobbyists, artists or anyone who is interested in developing an interactive environment, this open-source electronics platform is designed with flexibility and an easy-to-use interface. Even if you have a basic circuit knowledge and a bit of technical training, figuring out about Arduino can give a good start to your assignment.
Wondering how Arduino can help you? Simple, unlike the traditional programmable circuit boards, this device does not require separate hardware. You can just get a USB cable to load the new cord. Aside from that, it uses a way simpler version of C++ enabling easy learning of the program. And finally, it offers an accessible package than before, so that it can be used by anyone and everyone.